On September 17th, I mentioned that I had shorted one of David Einhorn's holdings, Einstein Noah Restaurant Group (Nasdaq: BAGL), at $13.78. I found BAGL initially using ShortScreen's screener: at the time, it was one of the 50 most-distressed stocks trading at $10 or above. Earlier today I covered my short position at $10.05, for a 27% profit in less than two months.
If you had followed me on this particular trade but shorted only 100 shares, your capital gain would have paid for an annual membership to ShortScreen more than twice over.
congrats on the killer trade dave! i will be sure to mention this as an example. if you have any other stuff you want me to include in the review please feel free to let me know. you can email me at kidmercury [at] kidmercuryblog [dot] com
Thanks, Kid. I'll e-mail you links to these two posts, in the event you don't check back to see them in this comment thread: Short selling and risk, and New Site.
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