Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Insomnia and social media

Couldn't sleep last night, so I signed onto Twitter. Yeah, I remember what I said about it here, but my developers suggested I use it to help get the word out about shortscreen.com. So I searched for phrases related to short-selling, and then looked up the profile or blog of the senders for the individual's name and other details. Then I sent them a personalized tweet inviting them to check out the site.

The funny thing about Twitter is that this sort of unsolicited contact gets an entirely different reception than it would if it were e-mail. People start to "follow" you, (i.e., sign on to receive your tweets; apparently, you have to immediately follow them back, otherwise they may feel hurt and un-follow you). I guess everyone wants to have a large number of followers and pretend those folks are actually reading their tweets.


Vladimir Vukicevic said...

That's the name of the game with all social media. It lets us pretend we're famous.

DaveinHackensack said...

Reminds me of a concert I went to at Giants Stadium several years ago. Some folks had seats out on the field, and strutted out through the tunnel as if the folks in the stands were cheering them.

Vladimir Vukicevic said...

Awesome analogy.

DaveinHackensack said...

Thanks, Vlad.