Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New blogs. Really, this time.

Yeah, I can't believe it either. The day has finally arrived. We're moving on up to Wordpress.

For occasional posts about specific securities, with a focus on the tiny, obscure stocks I've blogged about here, see Shadow Stocks. No rush to look there right now though, as I've been too busy for the last several hours trying to figure out Wordpress to think much about any specific securities.

For pretty much everything else, see Steam Catapult. See you over there.


JK said...

So is this blog dead now? Or will you continue to post here on various subjects?

DaveinHackensack said...

How many blogs do you want me to post on, J.K.? ;-)

If you're concerned that it's going to be all boring business stuff over at Steam Catapult, I'll write posts on various topics there as well. My original idea was to have that blog have a narrower focus on business and entrepreneurship, but even business people seem to like the posts about submarines and other random stuff. It'll evolve, but Steam Catapult right now looks like it will essentially be the Hackensack without posts about specific securities.

JK said...

Ha, yes I was just wondering whether or not you'd continue with your political and social musings here or not. Looks like you answered that.

DaveinHackensack said...

Yeah, I'll keep musing. It would be boring not to.

Anonymous said...

hey dave

can u please send me a few of your favorite short names up here ...

im at valuemicro@gmail.com

we can communicate that way ...