This is a draft of the logo for one of the new blogs that's going to replace The Hackensack -- this is where I'm planning to migrate my posts on obscure stocks. The domain name -- "Shadow Stocks" -- connotes their obscurity: the blog will continue to shed some light on a handful of little-followed companies such as Alloy Steel International. My concept for the logo was Sherlock Holmes as a bull. I like the execution of it, but have one minor issue with it. Let me know what you think. I'm interested in seeing if anyone raises the same concern.
the AAII has a shadow stock thing I think
That's right, they have their shadow stock portfolio. Wasn't even thinking of that when I bought this domain name. I'm sure if the AAII cared, they would have bought it themselves. Any thoughts on the logo?
Looks like Genghis Khan. Or a bulldog in a Viking suit.
I agree with Anon- it doesn't quite look like a bull. I like the concept, but between the short snout & oddly-placed horn, it looks a bit off. -y
I was able to guess the detective motif after reading the text for "shadow stock", but without that clue I would be hard pressed to discern what kind of animal it is.
I like it - maybe a magnifying glass instead of the pipe?
I think I might make the hat bigger and have the horn coming out of the side of it. There's something slightly odd about how it's sitting at the moment.
When I saw the name "shadow stock", it reminded me of "shadow economy", so I thought maybe you would focus on shady stocks (which is not the case). If you wanted to investigate shady stocks/companies, you might have used a sherlock holmes theme and aggressive looking bull, your proposed logo.
It also appears that "shadow stock" refers to some type of stock (cf wikipedia), so your blog name might be misleading for people who want to read about shadow stocks only.
Thanks for the feedback so far, everyone.
I'm aware of the technical term "shadow stock", but I don't think it will confuse most investors, because most of them probably have never heard of it and it would have no relevance to their situations. I figured I'd use the domain name anyway because it has a lot of the hallmarks of a good one: relatively short, easy-to-spell, alliterative, easy to remember, lends itself fairly well to a visual representation. I suppose I could add a note for disambiguation purposes though.
Can't make out the picture... it looks like an old-school detective but I thought it was a dog or something...
I think the addition of a magnifying glass would be a good idea. The logo should convey the concept clearly. A sherlock holmes bull looking through a magnifying glass would be good.
The bull looks like he's wearing a propeller beanie. Other than that, I think it's pretty cool.
The first take of this actually had too long a snout -- looked more like a horse than a bull.
Anon and J.K.,
A magnifying glass is an interesting idea, but I suspect the reason the designer didn't use it is that it would require a hand to hold it.
Y. and others,
The placement/angle of the horns was the issue I was alluding to in the post. I wanted to see if others saw the same thing.
Thanks again to everyone for the feedback.
I like the design concept. Perhaps make the image larger. I also did not know what animal it was......I thought perhaps a pig.....:-)
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